Ford Lawn Care & Landscaping
Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, Westmoreland
Based in Saxonburg - 724 - 826 - 0701
Lawn Maintenance
Spring & Fall Cleanup
Land Architecture
    Ford Lawn Care and Landscaping is waiting to receive a PA Contractor's license so we can legally Scape and Sculpt your yard into something extraordinary and special. Please feel free to call for an estimate on any of the following services in the meantime:

  • Walls including decorative walls or support walls; Block, stone, brick or Railroad Tie walls.
  • Terrace Scapes: Turning any hillside into a layered, geometric look.
  • Walks: Omni Stone, sand stone, brick, sidewalk stones or even mini-boardwalks.
  • Ponds and Fountains: Decorative gold fish ponds, large or small field ponds, decorative fountains
  • Water Routing: French Drains, Leech Beds, Run-off Basins.